Monday, August 9, 2010

Confrentation -.-

Arguments are freaking pointless. No one wins and everyone gets hurt. I hate fighting. I hate yelling. I hate relationships. Sometimes I think that life would be so much better if no one met anyone. But then the world wouldn't spin round, would it? Still, I think confrentation is pointless and retarded.
War is pointless and peace is imposible. This is how our world works. ANd it's never been fair. Love is war, and war involves no love. So how does that even work out?
Faith is a fool's reassurance and the morals of society today are slowly being eaten alive by foul language, sexual excessivness and violence. Twisted minds are overcoming the world and warping everything good and pure. Children are born into dirt, nomatter where they're born. Everything is horrible and very few people are strong enough to withstand it. Most fall to thier knees in exhaustion.
God is beyond understanding. And quite frankly, I'm sick of trying to figure out why he lets his children tear themselves and his earth to pieces. It makes no logical sense and causes me to loose my sense of self along with my faith. All the evil in this world makes me doubt the kindness of God more than his existance.
I believe that God is out there, I just doubt whether he or jesus were right to pick this. To choose this, to let everyone suffer. I just don't think he has the answers anymore. Or maybe I'm just as confused about it as everyone else is now.

I need my music back... because I think my last marble was attached to it. I honestly could care less about what happens to me anymore. ANd the irony of all of it is that I'm not sure anyone will even read my plea. My cry.
I'm stuck. ANd it ****ing sucks. I just need some help. I need someone to help me stich my small fabric of sanity back together. Because I'm stranded in seas of people.

These conditions aren't ideal for small feats to be accomplished. In fact, they rather suck.

**** THE WORLD. I hate it all, but most of all I hate myself and him...both of them...their whole kind.


  1. I read you're plea, and yes I try to be that person to help you mend things. You already know how I feel on the God issue. All I hope is that one day you finally find all the answers you're looking for.

  2. Your mommy loves you, I am sorry you are having a hard time. I know God exists, but the only way you will know for yourself is to ask. Do you need to go see a counselor again? We can get you one.
