Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Well this week has most definately been weird. I just feel..... contemplative. THat's really all giving up the social network sites for awhile does for me. It makes me sad... and not so much because I miss facebook or myyearbook, but because I'm thinking about things and the reasons for things and just lots of things in general.

THough I have been much more productive around the house. : ) I've been cleaning and doing laundry and stuff like that. I've been planning meals and cooking, and getting up kinda early. And I've been helping take care of the new puppy my brother got for his birthday. : )
My oldest younger sister's birthday was today (well technically yesterday, but whatever) and I think she had a good time. She turned 14 this year. ANd a lot of other exciting things happened. Like I did lots of chores, got things almost done, a big rain storm came, oh, and my mom broke her hand. Isn't that just great?

HEr hand! The right one. What happened was that the little kids were out in this rain/lightening/thunder storm playing with balloons, and my mom was standing in the doorway with her hand on the frame of the door, then a sudden gust of wind or something pushed the door shut on her hand. Isn't that just peachy? Ugh... I hate breaking hurts.

But yeah... everyth..OH! and I almost forgot. My youngest sister (5 years old) tripped on her face and got the messiest bloody nose I've ever seen, and I cleaned her up all by myself with no gagging involved at all. : D Actually, I was rather really calm. It was Kinda awesome. And then another cool part is I don't think her dress suffered any blood stains because I tediously washed them all out.

Then later in the afternoon I went to our family physician for the first time (here anyway, we just moved, and this was my first time meeting him)and he had a really uncomfortable vibe. He was just overly serious and such a downer. To be honest, I think he made some judgements about me before he even walked in the door. And I don't know.... he was just overly serious. He didn't smile once while I was conversing with him. At all. It was highly uncomfortable.

And then my youngest sister got her kindergarden shots today and she didn't cry or whimper or anything. : ) It was kinda cool. : D I was super proud of her. I love her a lot. haha

Then there's just a lot of stuff on my mind man. I'm not sure what I wanna go to college for anymore...again. Why do people have to be such downers on everything sometimes? It just sucks the hope out of everything. Geez, I really wanna leave my house. I kinda can't wait sometimes. Then other times I'm scared shitless. It's very ambivalent emotions.

But alright. Shall I show some pretty pictures to the world today? I think today I'm just going to find some cool ones on google. So I take no credit for them. They aren't my work. : P


THis one is pretty awesome. : ) I live for music. I'd pretty much be dead if music didn't exist.

THat's a very pretty flower. : ]

That's glass, right? I'm not exactly sure, but It's really pretty.

I love stuff like this. It's so...invigorating. : ] I don't know how to explain it... haha, but it just gives me a warm feeling inside.

Alright. I love you all. And no, Nothing's wrong. SO :p..... haha ;J


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