Friday, June 18, 2010

Weddings&&Bucket Lists

So let's move on to what I origionally was planning on talking about for the next post. Weddings are....very permanent in my opinion. And today's society kind of forgot that. I think it's rather sad. Back in the way far back days, once you got married, you were stuck (though stuck may not be a very plasing word to describe it, you were basically legally stuck in that situation, divorces didn't exist and adultry was blasphomy[sp], it still is today, but more so back then. When you said "til death do us part" It was meant literally. Now a days they should tack on there "unless we decide to get divorced and either be alone for the rest of our life or partner with someone else".) Over time, liberty has degrated society's morals and I find it awefully lamentable. Anyway, in my religion (and yes I will be talking about this quite a bit. Why you ask. Because this is my blog and my opinion and Some of my opinions and knowledge come from the church that I try to attend every Sunday. : P) marriage is really special, and it's eternal. Once you get hitched, you're stuck with that person for eternity. Heavy stuff right? So we tend to try and choose who we stay with carefully. : ) And it's really something that's sacred. And intamite relations are saved for man and wife in our religion so that man and wife have that special way of expressing their love toward each other. And I've come to understand the reasons for that better as I've gotten older. But with things like that, it's hard to be patient.
I think that's a lot of what society's problem. They aren't patient enough to actually wait and think things through. So they get married in a mind set that if it doesn't work, they can always just get divorced and then the problem's solved. (And just to let you guys know, I realize I'm being very stereo-typical and I understand that people of other religions or no religion at all understand how big of a decision marriage is and that it takes lots of commitment and that they don't tred lightly around the subject. But I'm just telling you things from my perspective and am kind of explaining why I have my take on the subject. : ) Okay?)
I think this mind set in our society and culture is a horendous flaw. And I wish people would work together to fix it. But hey, what are ya gonna do? NOt everybody listen to reason.

So instead of an equation, I say we do some other things today. SUch as:

Spontaneous POEM:

The Sun is Fun
So Fun, that I get tired of it sometimes
But only sometimes

And then I get frustrated when I get blisters
Not from the sun
But from lifting heavy stuff
stuff like Compresors

That's a funny word
Though a funnier word
I would have to say,
Is pompernickel

Haha that one makes me laugh
I love to laugh.
Now my blister hurts
dang it all

But that IS all
So I'll stop typing now.....

: D Is creative expression just great? Well now, let's go on to...

Quote Of The Day:

I'm not sure I want popular opinion on my side -- I've noticed those with the most opinions often have the fewest facts.

Bethania McKenstry

And today I think I'll add a couple of these:


1. See The Ocean

2. Visit Another Country

3. Learn Something Abosolutly bizare

4. Fly Away Some Place Far

5. Learn About Buddist

6. Find Inner Contentment

7. Plant An Oak Tree

8. Fall In Love With My Best Friend Ten Times Over In One Day

9. See A Different Sunset

I think That's about all FOr today. : ) See Ya Next TIme.

(IF you have suggestions for stuff to put on the blog. Feel free to comment. : ])[OH! and If you have topics You'd like to hear about, that would be cool too.]

Wait.... I just though OF one.

AWESOME PICTURE SECTION (only for days when There isn't much color on the blog entry)