Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I didn't really put much thought into today. I'm not even sure if I'll write much. I guess I'll just talk about what's been happening lately. Well about a week ago I turned 15 and got some stuff for my birthday. Then Sunday was my youngest sisters birthday and she turned 5. She's super sweet and cute. She got this little battery powered barbie car and when she gets stuck in it, She gets out and moves it so she can keep going.

Now that I say that outloud...I think little kids do a lot of things that could be taken as wise advice if you actually thought about the message they're giving. Like my sister's for example: "If you get stuck, Get out of the car and do something about it". Lol It's crazy how much you learn from just looking around.

Like watching a family fall into ruins, you learn what not to do for your own future family. You see what might have been done better. You see alternative choices that the people in the problem are blind to.

WHen you hear about drama at school. You see how horrible people can be, so you become better for not repeating others mistakes. For not getting high before school everyday like the kid that's been there longer than the rest of the people his age. Or the girl who has no right to spread rumors because she has a slightly different face than others. Humans are heartless sometimes. Especially today's children.

Most of them excepting violence and horrible language. Thinking it's okay to experiment with the opposite sex, drugs, and mistakes they all regret later.

It feels like no one is safe anymore. And it's sad. It's so sad. No one knows how to save themselves. How to not be stupid. How to not fall in love. HOw to not have sex. How to not give in to peer presure. How to NOT do things.

And anything kind is forgien to them. It's sad.

I know kids who don't even know how horrible their lives are. Don't even care how stupid their choices are. What's gonna happen next even though they've done it a thousand times.

I'm just mad at the world. It's so cruel. And God does nothing about it. Stupid God.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Lily Tattoos

DOn't you hate how days go from interesting and hilarious to boring, stressful, and annoying? Well I had one of those transistions lately. It's oddly anonoying in a not annoying way if that makes any sense. But yeah. So shall we talk about what today is?

It's Father's Day! : P Woot... ^.- Ugh. I rather dislike this day. My dad thinks that because it's father's day, he has the right to order us around like we're getting paid to clean the house/ do it for a living (which we obviously don't). I mean, clean a room or two for you, fine. But

Do the dishes
Clean the Kitchen
Fold a Mountain of laundry
Clean an impossibly messy loft
And watch a 9 year-old, 6 year-old, and 4 year-old at the same time (while he and my mom leave for about 5 hours)!

I'm Not super momma. For two reasons:

1. I in no way have super powers

2. I'm not a momma yet.

So yes. That was My Father's Day Rant. I'm venting out frustrations in a creative, harmless way. : ) So it's okay. I would call them meaningless cuss words, but that just might get me fired up about it again. SO i won't. (oh! and by momma, I mean mother/mom/ma/mommy/etc.,take your pick)

So earlier I was having a discussion with my friend about music that I like. And I was talking about which singers have "sexy voices". So I think I'm gonna do a spceal list on all the singers I can think of that i find to have attractive voices. : ) haha So here we go:


Pat Monahan (the lead singer of Train, but I knew him by his name first. lol so i use this)

Brayn Adams

The lead singer of Escape The Fate


Chris Brown

The LEad singer Of Depeche Mode

Keith Urban

The Lead Singer Of The All-American Rejects

The Lead Singer of Three Days Grace

THe lead SInger of Nirvana

The lead singer Of Def Leppard

Teddy Geiger

The LEad Singer Of NIckelback

The lead singer Of 30 Seconds To Mars

The Lead Singer of Boys Like GIrls

The Lead Singer of My Chemical Romance

And Many, Many, Many more. Haha. OH!

ANd Johnny Cash! Hehe ^^

Alright. SO now that that's done with, let's do something different. I say, let's add a couple pictures of possible tattoos. : ) haha alright. Here we go.

I really like this one because it's like simple, but intracite at the same time. And it's also abstract. : ) Very pretty.

Lilies ARe my favortie flower. : )

I've always had this thing for birds. they're just so graceful and pretty. ^^

I love this one. : D It's a turtle and a flower at the same time. Haha turtles are so awesome.

Lotus Flowers are amazing. ^^ They're like my second favortie flower. : )

Alright. That's all for Today I think. : ) haha. Thanky.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

REst IN Peace Bill

Alright, So I have a tragic tale to tell. This afternoon? Morning maybe. Well, my samsungsway phone died by drowning in the kiddie pool I was trying to drain. It was very sad because I had only just decided to name him Bill about a month before the incident.

But I suppose that the moral of the story is that you can get really attatched to a phone even if the phone sucks. Because to be honest, It's a pretty phone, but I would never reccomend it to someone. Though I do like the keypad design, but the flaws out weigh the positives.

Bleh, I'm lost on what to type today.

Oh Right! I remembered! I wanted to reccomend another song today. : )

It's called Making Memories Of Us by Keith Urban. And yes. It's a country song. And though a good majority of the people i associate with don't like country I'm still reccomending it. And today I'm gonna give you the lyrics also. : ) Because They're just so cute. So here we go.

Artist: Keith Urban
Album: Greatest Hits
Title: Making Memories of Us

I'm gonna be here for you baby
I'll be a man of my word
Speak the language in a voice that you have never heard
I wanna sleep with you forever
And I wanna die in your arms
In a cabin by a meadow where the wild bees swarm

And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll earn your trust making memories of us

I wanna honor your mother
I wanna learn from your pa
I wanna steal your attention like a bad outlaw
I wanna stand out in a crowd for you
A man among men
I wanna make your world better than it's ever been

And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll earn your trust making memories of us

We'll follow the rainbow
Wherever the four winds blow
And there'll be a new day
Comin' your way

I'm gonna be here for you from now on
This you know somehow
You've been stretched to the limits but it's alright now
And I'm gonna make you this promise
If there's life after this
I'm gonna be there to meet you with a warm, wet kiss

And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll earn your trust making memories of us
I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll win your trust making memories of us

Cute, Right? Haha I think I like it so much because for some odd reason, It reminds me of a dear friend. : )

ANd Some more bucket list things


1. See The Ocean

2. Visit Another Country

3. Learn Something Abosolutly bizare

4. Fly Away Some Place Far

5. Learn About Buddist

6. Find Inner Contentment

7. Plant An Oak Tree

8. Fall In Love With My Best Friend Ten Times Over In One Day

9. See A Different Sunset

10. Go To An Expensive Resturant Where Reservation Is Required

11. Have A Room In a House I Own Dedicated To Painting/Drawing

12. Save Someone

13. Live Life To The Fullest

14. Have A Home

15. See My Future Babies Grow Up

And Now, I was just thinking about how I Haven't put up one of these in a WHile, We'll Go with a Funny picture:

Haha. This Happens to me constantly. BUT, My boobs aren't fake. :P Hehe ANd I don't think THey're THAT big. Lol but it's happens. Lol : )

Yeup. :) ANd one More thing:


I was gratified to be able to answer promptly. I said I don't know.
Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

I do that all the time. : ) THere's Lots of stuff I don't know. Haha

But yeah, that's all for today. Peace out.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Weddings&&Bucket Lists

So let's move on to what I origionally was planning on talking about for the next post. Weddings are....very permanent in my opinion. And today's society kind of forgot that. I think it's rather sad. Back in the way far back days, once you got married, you were stuck (though stuck may not be a very plasing word to describe it, you were basically legally stuck in that situation, divorces didn't exist and adultry was blasphomy[sp], it still is today, but more so back then. When you said "til death do us part" It was meant literally. Now a days they should tack on there "unless we decide to get divorced and either be alone for the rest of our life or partner with someone else".) Over time, liberty has degrated society's morals and I find it awefully lamentable. Anyway, in my religion (and yes I will be talking about this quite a bit. Why you ask. Because this is my blog and my opinion and Some of my opinions and knowledge come from the church that I try to attend every Sunday. : P) marriage is really special, and it's eternal. Once you get hitched, you're stuck with that person for eternity. Heavy stuff right? So we tend to try and choose who we stay with carefully. : ) And it's really something that's sacred. And intamite relations are saved for man and wife in our religion so that man and wife have that special way of expressing their love toward each other. And I've come to understand the reasons for that better as I've gotten older. But with things like that, it's hard to be patient.
I think that's a lot of what society's problem. They aren't patient enough to actually wait and think things through. So they get married in a mind set that if it doesn't work, they can always just get divorced and then the problem's solved. (And just to let you guys know, I realize I'm being very stereo-typical and I understand that people of other religions or no religion at all understand how big of a decision marriage is and that it takes lots of commitment and that they don't tred lightly around the subject. But I'm just telling you things from my perspective and am kind of explaining why I have my take on the subject. : ) Okay?)
I think this mind set in our society and culture is a horendous flaw. And I wish people would work together to fix it. But hey, what are ya gonna do? NOt everybody listen to reason.

So instead of an equation, I say we do some other things today. SUch as:

Spontaneous POEM:

The Sun is Fun
So Fun, that I get tired of it sometimes
But only sometimes

And then I get frustrated when I get blisters
Not from the sun
But from lifting heavy stuff
stuff like Compresors

That's a funny word
Though a funnier word
I would have to say,
Is pompernickel

Haha that one makes me laugh
I love to laugh.
Now my blister hurts
dang it all

But that IS all
So I'll stop typing now.....

: D Is creative expression just great? Well now, let's go on to...

Quote Of The Day:

I'm not sure I want popular opinion on my side -- I've noticed those with the most opinions often have the fewest facts.

Bethania McKenstry

And today I think I'll add a couple of these:


1. See The Ocean

2. Visit Another Country

3. Learn Something Abosolutly bizare

4. Fly Away Some Place Far

5. Learn About Buddist

6. Find Inner Contentment

7. Plant An Oak Tree

8. Fall In Love With My Best Friend Ten Times Over In One Day

9. See A Different Sunset

I think That's about all FOr today. : ) See Ya Next TIme.

(IF you have suggestions for stuff to put on the blog. Feel free to comment. : ])[OH! and If you have topics You'd like to hear about, that would be cool too.]

Wait.... I just though OF one.

AWESOME PICTURE SECTION (only for days when There isn't much color on the blog entry)

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Well this post was supposed to be about my opinion on weddings then I started thinking about how people think other people are noodleheads for getting married and after that I started thinking about how noodle and doodle sound alike, and how fun doodling is. : ) Haha So my thought process went from Weddings to noodleheads to doodles to doodling. : ) Thus explaining the doodle you your left. I drew in a moment of bordom. And for today The picture doubles as my equation because it took me a couple hours to edit it. : ) So yeah.

And Then I'll do a Spontaneous Poem For the day.

Oh Snap
Oh Crackle
Oh Pop

The other day i realized that skittles Don't taste like the rainbow
They don't taste like the rainbow because there's No BLUE
NO blue No Blue

So it made me say
Oh Snap
Oh Crackle
Oh Pop

: ) haha

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bai Bai ^^ Off to the Circus! Just kidding.... (I only wish I could do that)

What's the problem with tattoos? I mean, I understand how it's permanent and everything, but what if that's the exact reason someone gets a tattoo? And it's a reasonable thing to remember. Why does society shun the idea of tattoos so vehemently? Isn't it peoples' choice of what they want to do with their bodies?
THe way I see it, people should just have to have a period to think it through and then see where it leads them. Why is a tattoo such a horrible thing?
The only flaws I can see with them, if you choose carefully, is that it's painful. But that's about it from my perspective.

But yeah, Shall we move on to the equation for today? : )

Yeah. I know, it's odd. haha But it's what I like for some reason. But I'm afraid that's it for today because I'm preoccupied at the moment and Need to leave. I'm not going to be posting again for a while I'm guessing. So Bye ya. : )

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Religion is really confusing in it's philosophical points. Especially all the different denomintaions of Christians. I'm not saying I have anything against Christians (I'm LDS myself), But it's honestly ridiculous how prejudice people of slightly different religions can act with such malice towards each other. Or with such strong judgments of how their religion is the better of the two. I don't understand why man fights over God.
Honestly, what's the point of fighting about something that no one can prove for sure until they're dead? There's no point. I say just let people believe what they want and let them be. Maybe even get to know what kind of person they are, you might find out they're someone you really enjoy talking to. Or that they have tons of similar interest.
I'm willing to bet that there are so many relationships shattered because of this dispute in belief. I don't know the exact statistics, but it definately seems to me that humans are highly flawed in their need for stable sameness surrounding them.
My philosophy is to give people the benefit of the doubt until they give you a reason not to, and once that reason comes about, keep thier flaw to yourself. Everyone's name should be safe, even if they don't deserve it.
People who judge off the first impression and keep the same opionion are blind to oppourtunities that could be in store. Life is really just a place to make friends, so why hate people? Just protect your own. : )
I've found frustration with past religious disputes. My really good friend that I love dearly refused to date me because we aren't of "the same yolk".(like I said, I'm LDS, but he's Southern Baptist.) I find it ironic and annoying that the belief of God and his son was the same, but our beliefs of the details differing was what was keeping a very good, pure relationship from blooming. So I kind of gave up, and now I'm in a relationship with a different guy but still am friends with the other.
But religion is also really heavy. It's choosing a certain way to live. My religion teaches that every choice we make is ours and it's our responsibility to live with the consequences, now they can be good or bad, but consequences non-the-less. And when you face the reality of things, that's all you have....making choices and accepting the consequences.

So let's move on to the equation for today... : )

It's weird, but true. If you give a girl a fresh coat of nail polish on her fingers and toes and then put a new piece of bling around her neck, she feels super pretty and special, which causes a slight boost in self confidence. haha It's just one of those things that no one can really explain. : )

And Our Funny picture:

That's great! XD lol I kinda Half want to get a mohawk. They are like totally awesome and different. I really admire people with the boldness to get them. I'm just strange like that. I think a ton of things that are against my religion are attractive. Such as: snake bite lip rings, tattoos, mutiple ear piercings, funky or other wise "outlandish" hair styles, and weird clothes. Haha Ahhh, the satisfaction of rebelion. Don't ya love it?

And Now I think I'm gonna add a couple more different things to each post (due to the fact that it's summer time and I'm gonna have WAY more time on my hands). Such as:

RANDOM POEM TIME: Poems that I just write off the top of my head.

There once was a kitten
And his people were smitten

But i forget what that word means
though I think people lost some spleens

Thanks for the first poem session reading
I won't be offended if you want me to stop by pleading


QUOTE OF THE DAY: Random Quotes that Fit my mood for that moment I'm writing the post.

Reality is nothing but a collective hunch.
Jane Wagner, Lily Tomlin in "The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe"


BUCKET LIST ITEM: Something That I wanna Do before I die.

1. See The Ocean

That's about all I can think Of right now....Oh!!!! And:


1) http://legacysociety.darkbb.com/
2) http://www.facebook.com/search/?post_form_id=b9c60f737435bb84cc3300a8f0caf476&q=brandon%20tyler%20barnes&init=quick&ref=search_preload#!/note.php?note_id=208652764140
(I'm not sure how well this one will work. But You should try it. ^^ haha)
3) http://www.picnik.com/app#/home/welcome
(Great place to edit pics)

P.S. If you want to visit the sites, copy & paste them. haha This blog won't allow me to post links.