Monday, May 31, 2010

Puppies & Flowers

Romance is...annoying. Especially when things that aren't in your control tend to ruin it. Like moving away with your family because you're a minor. Long distance relationships are so hard. It takes a LOT of commitment and trust to actually be in one. And my goal today is to forget that seriousness. Let's look at the cheesy side of love today and be very cinacal. : P (and yes, I know I probably spelled that wrong) So what's up with the gesture of roses and chocolates? I mean, after about a week, the flowers die, and the chocolate is just a total oxymoron for our society's philosophy. If you were to look at the flowers as an omen, every relationship would whither. It's honestly ridiculous. And the irony of all of this is I just barely started dating someone. He's honestly nice and somewhat innocent and it's amusing. He just recently bought me a necklace. I'm half tempted to make him take it back. I mean, honestly, money means nothing and momentums are just things waiting to hurt you. Courtship is really pointless. But it's sweet. Can you tell I'm really ambivalent on the subject? Or atleast only partially held to each side? haha. I bet you can.
And So on to my next topic:

Stating the Obvious is my favorite thing to do. Lol Like how the background of the picture above is gray! : D haha Well yeah. I can't come up with anything else to say on this one, or else I would say it. XD

I know that this happens all the time, but it's still funny. : P I laugh at things that aren't even slightly funny, so i suppose that explains it.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dinosaurs&&Ironic SIgns

I've been thinkin' about things lately. And rawr is such an ironic way of saying "i love you". I mean, a sound that would scare a child means the most sacred thing that causes the creation of children. It's crazy, right? : ) I know. I think so too.
Have you ever had those days where you just wish everything would stop? That the world would stop turning, that people would stop talking, that your heart would stop feeling? I just hate those days. But i have this special friend, and he constantly is telling me rawr. : ) And those feelings kind of stop. And i still can't figure out why. I mean, this guy is so impossible... but yeah. Shall we move on to our equation for today?

I think parents seem to forget how they made their babies. Either that, or they're in denial about their own children growing up. And what kills me is how some of them just act plain stupid about it. Kids in their teens are having a hard time 5 out of 4 times. : P SO came on parentals, help em' out and let em' know you're there. : )

OKay! Time for funny pictures!!!

Haha. The great comedy of irony. lol I love stuff like this. : )

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Some Premium Meat

: D This is the most amazing song ever!!! : D It's a really cute song. Haha Little bit of advice boys,if you can find a song that makes your girl melt and you make it "your" song with them, you'll definately get some positive consequences. : ) Haha The day is good today. But yeah, I think today feels like a good song day.

So here they are:
This one's called "Do I". I know it's country, but everybody needs variety in their life. I like this one because I know some people very close to my heart that are in this situation. : ) NOt to mention a lot of country songs just have amazing lyrics.
"I will not bow" Is the title of this song. This one really speaks to me. My interpretation is that you need to stand for what you believe in and I think that's really important. : ) Good lyrics and amazing music.
Everybody loves HInder! lol I remember this song was super popular forever ago. But I still love it. LOl YOu have to admit, the lead singer has the sexiest voice on the planet. haha If it's hinder, i'll always love it. : )
Then the last song for today is "Iris" by Goo goo dolls. It's a really good song. I can relate to it.

And as far as equations go, I'm blanking today. : P Sorry. haha maybe next time. : )

and you're outta luck on the other pic today too. I just am kinda busy.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Soccer Balls & Christmas Trees

Soccer is really fun. : ) And it's super cute to watch little kids play it. Haha My little brother is super cute, he tries so hard, but his team still lost. And that was okay according to my little brother because "playing for fun is more important than winning". I believe more people should realize that, even if it is just to make them feel better about loosing. That lesson is really important to learn and kind of essential to enjoying life fully. You need to be humble and just enjoy the ride.

So what's the equation for today? Well, I recently had a lot of soda, and 7up and Wild cherry Pepsi happen to be my favorite kinds. ^^ So i was thinking about when you have them both it's an amazing sugar high. haha especially at 3 am. lol Love that time of the morning.

But I'm also gonna add a third part to these blog entries, We'll call it the silly/ funny picture part. It's pretty self-explainatory. So here we go:

I would love to walk around in public with my hair like that. I would attract so many dirty looks. haha I would be totally be peeing myself from laughter. : ) haha one day You'll see me walking around some place like Walmart wearing that hair do. haha