Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Monkey Bars

Big news everybody! I crossed a set of monkey bars at the park today! I was with my husband and my youngest son and we were just playing around. The first two times I only got to the fourth bar and couldn't hold on anymore. I let my husband and son play around for awhile and right before we left I decided to try once more. I guess I just remembered how to do the monkey bars and I got myself to the other side of those 7 bars with my own two hands. It felt great. To be honest I had gotten a little discouraged because I had stopped doing exercise for two days. It is true what Darren Hardy says in his Compound Effect book. That when you stop your routine you not only lose the progress of the day, but basically of the whole endeavor. You have to be quick to jump back on the merry go round or it is really hard to get it going again. I feel motivated to keep going. And I want to keep trying hard to do things well. Today also had another triumph. Instead of starting out the day badly with some leftover pizza, I threw it in the garbage and ate a yogurt instead. I know there is this bad feeling associated with throwing out food, but the way I look at it, it was a win. Because I did what I needed to do in order to treat my body well. And to treat my mind well too. Because I was really tempted to eat that pizza because I was upset over somethings this morning. It's never too late to try and be better. You just have to keep up the fight until you're strong enough to win it. And then you still need to keep fighting. It's a never ending battle. But if you give it enough time, you can become the master. That's my plan. To be the master of my body. And not to let my body be the master of me. That's probably a very important goal to have.

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