Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Lately I've been having trouble with fairytales. What makes a classic fairytale? Well according to a creative writing teacher deep in the midst of the tetons it's this: 1) Protaganist/Antaganist 2)All Love= True Love 3) Reoccuring Numbers (mostly 3 and 7 XD) 4)Once Upon A Time/ Happily Ever After 5)Talking objects/animals/plants 6) Enchantments or Magic 7) Femanist Views(damsels in distress type thing).
And I have to say, making up a fairytale that is completely origianal with that outline is the most challenging thing I've ever encountered. And I only have about 5 days left to do it.
That sounds like a lot, but I'm a terrible procrastinator. And not to mention I have to babysit 3 kids under the age of ten for the next three days. I really shouldn't complain, but I've just been left thinking lately.
What's the point of fairytales? Why are we told them as children only to find out life isn't like that at all? We find out that there's no Prince Charming, Fairy Godmother, or "Happily Ever After"'s in life at all. Instead it's just a whole bunch of rubish and baulder-dash. We find out the hard way that no one really thinks magic exists. That things never end smoothly or so abruptly as a "Happily Ever After". There's always more to the tale. Something always comes next.
I just wonder why the world is like that? Why are we so shelter in the start of life? Maybe to ease the burden of reality, to keep the generations living.
Or maybe is it because Fairytales do exist? Maybe in some hidden part of the world, there are girls with their very own valient knight in shining armor. I wonder if it's possible to have some wonderful "guardian angel" as you might say watching over you and helping you out unknowingly. And possibly, just maybe, people really can obtain a "Happily Ever After". : )

I think That's what I choose to Believe. That somewhere out there, life really is good. And that things can work out as if by magic. : )

<3/ MiZz Bubbleh Rainbow

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