Thursday, November 11, 2010


THis post is going to be nothing but photos. : ) Hope you like it. It's going to be a mixture of stuff I've found off the internet and stuff that I've edited. (don't worry, lol you're not going crazy, I've put some of these on here before.) Not to mention, I'm just gonna tell you a little bit of what I think about them and why. :) Enjoy!!

So this one I found on google one day awhile ago. I just love the color and simplicity of the whole thing. Also the kind of glowing thing that's going on with it. : ) It's pretty awesome. : )

I love close up photography. : ) This one I also found thanks to google. :) I like the detail, and the color. Not to mention the fact that they're colored pencils, which are very important to an artist as myself. haha :)

I'm a girl of simple taste. Words and colors are the best two things in the world. : ) SO that most definately explains why I like this one.

It's a sea of crayons!! What's better than that? : ) Unsurmountable amounts of the object of so many people's childhoods. : ) I LOVE crayons.

A flower of fire. : ) one of the wonders of the world. : ) Lol though a most likely fictional picture, it's emmensly beautiful. : )

Paint. : ) And it's orange. Zig-zags are amazing. ^^


: ) like i said earlier. I love close up photography. : )

I'm a teenage girl. The heart is self-explainatory. lol

hearts and swirls. : ) Yay!

What can I say? I love nature. And geometric illusions like this are cool. : )

This one's just cool. Both in the way it looks and the message it sends. : ) hehe (for you Mr. tuff) : P

:) A heart again. In the ice. Pretty symbolic. Not to mention it's really close to both of my favorite colors. :)

Good quote. : )

This one is my absolute favorite though. : ) I don't know what it is about it, but The design is just Epic and beautiful and graceful and crazy and weird and amazing all at the SAME TIME!!!! : ) It's great!!!

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