Monday, December 20, 2010

My Testimony : )

No one will convince me otherwise. i know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church of Christ restored on the earth. I don't care if you pity me, I don't care if you love me, I don't care if you pray for me. I already know the truth. And that is that the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine of Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price are THEE words of God. I know that God loves me and Jesus paid the price of the atonement so that I could live my life and live in both of their Glorious presences for the rest of eternity if I but repent of my sins and live the best life I can. God loves me. He has a purpose for me and he knows me in depth. Christ is my saivior and redeemer and I love him with a greater love than anyone can conceive. I KNOW that Joseph Smith was the prophet that brought the true church back to the earth. I Am more sure thanI've ever been in my life that Thomas Spencer Monson is the living prophet of the World. I am a daughter of God and have the potential to become so much like God and Christ that I myself can become a goddess. Though I know I'm imperfect and I have a lot to work on, I KNOW I'm Christian to the very essence of the word in the fact that I'm trying to become like Christ and come back and live with Both Christ and my Heavenly Father once again in heaven. I understand that families are forever and I love mine with all my heart even if i don't aknowledge that sometimes. My church is true and my love for the world is strong. Only Christ knows the pain I suffer because of my compassion for others and I've felt the comforting whisper of the Holy Ghost. God Is alive! So is Jesus! And the spirit of the Holy Ghost dwells in all the righteous and deserving children of the earth. God is our creator and Jesus is his son. We are created in the image of God. Both physically and spiritually. I know that God loves everyone on a very personal level. And that he has all the power beyond this universe. And I know that God hears our prayers. I know that man can recieve personal revelation for themselves and that The Prophet of the church (Thomas S. Monson) recieves revelation for all man kind.
The Presidency speaks of God. Of Jesus. And of every other topic nessacary to address. Mormons are Christians, and I KNOW it.
Everything I have said is true. And will remain true for the rest of eternity. This is the truth and I know it. This is my great testimony and knowledge of great divine truths and I will never deny them!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Time**

Christmas time is amazing. : ) I love this time of year. It's really awesome. The whole christmas spirit shin-dig. haha
But this time of year really is special to me. It just fills my heart with love and affection towards everyone. And it reminds me wholly of the Christ in which this holiday celebrates. : )
Even if you don't believe this man is the son of God, it's been pretty much proven he existed and this man has had the biggest influence on man than all of the others combined. With all of his revolutionary ideas and high moral standards. Not to mention the miricales he preformed whether they be witchcraft or works of GOd. I believe they happened for a good purpose. : )
I love life at Christmas time and I think others should try to obtain the same mind set. : )