Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Dreams can be so blissfully annoying. Doesn't it just blow your mind how you can have an amazing dream and then wish you hadn't ever dreamt it after you wake up? I have had so many of those that I can't even count. In the past and present.
The worst is when my mind creates it's own little worlds where I can openly show my affetion without any negative consquences. Or where i enact buried emotions towards people who are long gone out of my life but still are consequential to my emotional well-being.

I have to say the weirdest dreams I've ever had of those sorts are the ones I had last school year with These boys that i had just met that school year in them. Nothing gross or "uncensored" ever happens in them, but there's this overwhelming feeling of love and compassion. I remember this dream where all that happened in my dream was the guy hugged me. He just stood there and held me and hugged me until I felt better.It was so great. And now in real life I've always loved his hugs after that.

I think I loved that dream so much because I don't have anyone I can do that with. No one who will just hold me when things go to crap. THe last time someone held me longer than five seconds was on my birthday. Before that I don't even really know when I had even a thirty-second hug. Hugs are just the best thing in the world. : ) ANd I give plenty of nice hugs, you know, the wrap my arms around you and make you feel safe kind to everyone else. I however hardly ever recieve those types of hugs. Hugs, holding hands, getting a back rub, I'm all for the physical displays of affection. : )

ANd after I had that dream I really wished I hadn't because I never looked at the guy the same. :/ I always loved him more than I should. : P It's still like that. But now I don't mind so much because now I have good reason. : ) Well sort of.

I have so many others. Dreams where the things that refuse to be in my reality go on in my subconscious. What an imagination right? Heh..