Friday, April 30, 2010

Broken Hearts & Fishies

Wow. People with broken hearts are retarded. I mean, come on, how is someone gonna fix it if you won't let them in. It's time for people to stop building walls around their wounds and just have people help them heal. Sitting in self pity helps no one. I know this type of thing is super hard to hear, but when your heart gets broken, you need to just suck it. But that's just my opinion due to experience. : J Yeaup.

SO how about the equation for the day? : ) this one is a classic.
2+2=fishy : P That is my favorite one. haha

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Peace Signs + Rainbow Barf = Rainbow Peace Signs

So this is the random photo for today. I was just thinking about acouple of my favorite things today and i though about rainbow peace signs. And I came up with an equation of how they create them. <--- That's what i came up with.
Aren't you impressed with the depths of my imagination? haha. It's a bit crude, but i honestly believe little stick people barf on them and they are stained with rainbow barf. ^^ But that's just my opinion. Haha Now let's move on to the question for today.
How many people have had their heartbroken and lived through it? I mean, people make it sound so horrible and life threatening, but i've never heard of someone dying from the heart break itself. It's usually caused by side effects like depression and self-inflicted mutilation. : P But never from the actual heart break.
If you've heard of and/or know of someone who's died of heartbreak, I'd really love to hear the story.
By the way, Snow along with grey clouds is really depressing and doesn't help at all when you're trying to get well when you have the flu. Oh bugger, right? haha

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rainbow Disecting

Hey ya. ^^ Prepare for random thoughts from a random rainbow Taster. : P

This blog will probably be just a whole bunch of different things combine. Images of stuff, opinions, creative outlet, and just plain old diary entries. : ) From the heart of course. Enjoy mon ami. My brain is yours for thee disecting.